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Self-Paced Pathways


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Self-Paced Pathways
Visit self-paced pathways on the main floor and explore a variety of learning opportunities:


  • Open Exchange with keynote and featured speakers. Ask the expert your questions and engage in an open dialogue on a range of topics.
  • In-Person Learning guided by experts in subject areas. Missed the session? Visit the area and scan the QR code to gain resources on the topic.
  • Computer Stations are available to explore curated topics at your own pace with tangible resources that can be implemented the next day. Topics include Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Professional Learning Communities (PLC), Tech Standards and Open Educational Resources (OER).
  • Collaboration Couches: Reflect, think and develop next steps for putting your ideas into action. 

self paced

Academic Acceleration through Equity

Sonya Murray, EducationPlus

Embark on a personalized learning journey of resources to deepen your understanding of accelerated learning through an equity lens using a memorable five-course framework.

Learn at your own pace, practical strategies that advance student learning while catering to individual needs.

Engage in reflective exercises and real-world case studies to apply your learning to specific educational contexts. Utilize ideas from the author’s book, Serving Educational Equity: A Five-Course Framework for Accelerated Learning to foster a deeper connection between theory and practice.


Kara Sanders, Affton School District

Learn how to begin a makerspace in your classroom or school.

Explore and complete activities through a variety of task cards.

Gain STEAM activities and resources to use in your classroom/makerspace via photos or QR codes.

Restorative Practices Focus: 8 Dimensions of Self-care Plans

John Converse, EducationPlus

Explore the eight dimensions of Self Care/Wellness.

Create a plan around people, programs and activities to meet your self-care needs.

Gain a better understanding of the necessary elements required when it comes to people, programs and activities that meet your self-care needs.

Restorative Practices Focus: What Makes a Restorative Circle

John Converse, EducationPlus

Learn the tools needed to effectively use the instructional strategy called Circle.

Explore key elements needed to use the instructional strategy of Circle with resources at hand.

Gain knowledge and resources to effectively facilitate the circle process in your setting.